Fresh pasta with mushroom sauce.

Fresh pasta with mushroom sauce.


Ingredienti: Ingredients for pasta
Ingredienti per la pasta fresca:
Gr 50 Farina 00
Gr 50 Semola
1  Uova
Un pizzico di sale,
1/2 cucchiaino di olio d’oliva e acqua a 35 gradi.

All mushrooms cleaned and sliced ready for cook
Parmigiano cheese grinded.
2  whole mushrooms cooked and slice for garnish
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Any kind of mushrooms can be added into this dish, if you don’t have tratufo, just simply add a bit of rosemary to cook with mushrooms together, its favor is similar and delicious!!


Ingredients 250g 3 kind mixed mushrooms (keep 1~2 Champingno mushroom for garnish) 1 small bundle of Rosemary 1/2 onion slice Cream 50ml 1 table spoon White wine 10g butter Olive Oil 100 ml Vegetable stock 1 table spoon Parmigiano cheese Salt and pepper Italian Parsley a pinch
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